01-01-2024 - 31-07-2027

In our discussion for envornment project, we explored the concept of seed balls as a means to contribute positively to the environment. Seed balls are small balls made from a mixture of clay, compost, and seeds, which when thrown or placed on bare soil, grow into plants under suitable conditions. Seed Collection: We collected a variety of native seeds suitable for our local environment. Seed Ball Preparation: With the help of our Interactors and volunteers, we mixed the seeds with clay, compost, and water to form small balls. Distribution and Planting: We distributed the seed balls in areas identified as needing reforestation or greening. These included school grounds, nearby parks, and degraded lands. Germination and Growth: Over the following weeks and months, many of the seed balls sprouted into healthy seedlings. This demonstrated the effectiveness of the seed balls in providing a conducive environment for germination. Biodiversity Impact: The plants that grew from the seed balls attracted insects and birds, thereby contributing to local biodiversity. Environmental Benefits: Soil Erosion Control: The roots of the plants helped bind the soil together, preventing erosion. Air Quality Improvement: As the plants grew, they absorbed carbon dioxide and released oxygen, improving air quality. Aesthetic Enhancement: The greenery added aesthetic value to the surroundings, making them more pleasant and inviting. The project highlighted the importance of simple yet effective methods like seed balls in promoting environmental sustainability. By involving school children in the process, we not only educated them about environmental conservation but also empowered them to take tangible actions. Seed balls are a low-cost, low-tech solution that can be easily replicated and scaled up to make a significant impact on our environment.

Project Details

Start Date 01-01-2024
End Date 31-07-2027
Project Cost 1000000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 99999
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Interact CLub of Swami Vivekananda School
Project Category Environment