23-02-2019 - 23-02-2019

Today donated food grains more than 100 kg and cash Rs 2500 to the orphans student at SNEHAVAN Bhosari. More than 30 students who have no support for education are staying here. Mr. Ashok Deshmane is parenting to these students .He has left his job from IT company and doing this service full time. Most of the students has lost their father in suicide case.They are from Parabhani district, a drought area of Maharashtra.These students are learning in different school at Bhosari.They are taken care for their education, health and over all development by Ashok , his wife ,his father and mother. All 30 members are residing in two small rooms .Today we have visited with our interact club of Gulbai school Bopodi to do this project.

Project Details

Start Date 23-02-2019
End Date 23-02-2019
Project Cost 30000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 300
No of direct Beneficiaries 30
Partner Clubs 0
Non Rotary Partners 70
Project Category Literacy